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ICPA Research Publications 2012 - 2013

See ICPA research publications from between 2012-2013 below:


Chiropractic - General

  1. A Retrospective Analysis of the Cultural Competence of Chiropractic Students in a Public Health Course. The Journal of Chiropractic Education. Khauv, K, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

Pregnancy & Birth

  1. Resolution of Pain and Breech Presentation Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Report and Update of the Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health -Chiropractic. Juergens Clark, T, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  2. Improvement in Quality of Life for Six Pregnant Patients Undergoing Chiropractic Care: The Promise of PROMIS. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health - Chiropractic. Alcantara, J, & Ohm, J. Abstract.

  3. Contemporary Issues in the Chiropractic Care of Pregnant Women: Internal Carotid Artery Dissection Following Chiropractic Treatment in a Pregnant Woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health - Chiropractic. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, J, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  4. The Webster Technique: Definition, Application and Implications. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health - Chiropractic. Ohm, J, & Alcantara, J. Abstract. Full Text.

  5. The Webster Technique: Results From a Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health - Chiropractic. Alcantara, J, Ohm, J, & Kunz, D. Abstract.

  6. Systematic Review of Adverse Events Associated with Spinal Manipulation during Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: Further Considerations. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, J, & Alcantara, JD. Abstract.

  7. The Characterisation and Response to Care of Pregnant Patients Receiving Chiropractic Care within a Practice-Based Research Network. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. Alcantara, J, Ohm, J, Kunz, K, Alcantara, JD, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.


  1. Resolution of Severe Constipation, Vomiting and Leg Pain in a Child Undergoing Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Report. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health -Chiropractic. Mills, M, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  2. The Chiropractic Care of an Adolescent with Tourette's Syndrome Using the Pierce Results System. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health - Chiropractic. DeMaria, A, DeMaria, C, DeMaria, R, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  3. The Care of a Teenage Girl with Migraine Headaches with the Advanced Orthogonal Procedure: A Case Report. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. Bernard, M, Alcantara, J, & Pierce, GS. Abstract.

  4. Immediate Resolution of Constipation in an Infant Following Chiropractic Care: A Case Report & Selective Review of the Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health - Chiropractic. Kim, I, Hammon, K, Alcantara, J, & Holt, K. Abstract.

  5. The Chiropractic Care of an 11-year-old with a Medical Diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. St. Martin, AS, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  6. The Chiropractic Care of a 6-day-old Neonate with Breastfeeding Difficulties and Breastfeeding Jaundice. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. Bernard, M, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  7. The Chiropractic Care of a Child with Extremity Tremors Concomitant with a Medical Diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Alcantara, J, & Adamek, R. Abstract.

  8. What is the Evidence for Chiropractic Management of Infantile Colic? Further Considerations? Clinical Chiropractic. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, JD, & Alcantara, J.

  9. The Chiropractic Care of an Infant “Bottom Shuffler”: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. Bernard, M, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

Chiropractic - Function 

  1. Resolution of Secondary Amenorrhea of 20 Years in a Woman Undergoing Subluxation-Based Chiropractic Care. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health. Ko, M, Khauv, K, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  2. The Chiropractic Care of Patients with Asthma: A Systematic Review of the Literature to Inform Clinical Practice. Clinical Chiropractic. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, JD, & Alcantara, J. Abstract.

  3. The Chiropractic Care of Patients with Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Integrative Cancer Therapies. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, JD & Alcantara, J. Abstract.


Research Presentations

  1. The Characterization of Chiropractors Involved in a Practice-based Research Study on the Care of Pregnant Patients. The World Federation of Chiropractic’s 12th Biennial Congress, Durban, South Africa. Ohm, J, & Alcantara, J.

  2. The Chiropractic Care of Children with Constipation: An Integrative Review of the Literature to Inform Practice, Research and Policy. European Chiropractic Union Conference, Sitges, Spain. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, J, & Alcantara, JD.

  3. The Chiropractic Care of Children in Europe: Results from a Practice-based Research Network. ACC RAC Presentation. Alcantara, J, & Ohm, J.

  4. The Chiropractic Care of Pregnant Women Using the Webster Technique: A Practice-based Research Study Utilizing Validated Patient Reported Outcomes. The World Federation of Chiropractic’s 12th Biennial Congress, Durban, South Africa. Ohm, J, & Alcantara, J.

  5. An Integrative Review of the Literature on the Chiropractic Care of Infants with Breastfeeding Difficulties. European Chiropractic Union Conference, Sitges, Spain. Alcantara, J, Alcantara, J, & Alcantara, JD.

  6. A Retrospective File Review on the Possible Effectiveness of the Advanced Orthogonal Procedure in the Care of Patients with Headaches. ACC RAC Presentation. Bernard, A, Alcantara, J, Stanford, G, George, P, & Pierce Jr., S.

  7. A Retrospective File Review on the Possible Effectiveness of the Advanced Orthogonal Procedure in the Care of Patients with Low Back Pain. ACC RAC Presentation. Bernard, A, Alcantara, J, Stanford, G, George, P, & Pierce Jr., S.

  8. The Use of Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) to Determine the Quality of Life of Pregnant Patients Presenting for Chiropractic Care within a Practice-based Research Network. ACC RAC Presentation. Alcantara, J.

  9. A Comparative Assessment of the Cultural Competency and Confidence to Serve Diverse Populations of Chiropractic Students in a Public Health Course: A Comparison of Two Cohorts. 140th APHA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Khauv, K, & Alcantara, J.

  10. The Attitudes, Beliefs and Teaching of Cultural Diversity by Chiropractic. ACC-RAC Platform Presentation. Khauv, K, & Alcantara, J.

  11. A Retrospective Analysis of Cultural Competence of Chiropractic Students. ACC-RAC Platform Presentation. Khauv, K, & Alcantara, J.

  12. A Snapshot on the use of #wellness as Health Promotion over a Random 24-hour period on Twitter. 140th APHA Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA. Khauv, K, & Alcantara, J.

  13. The Chiropractic Care of a 6-month-old Neonate with Breast Feeding Difficulties and Breastfeeding Jaundice. ACC-RAC Poster Presentation. Alcantara, J, & Bernard, M.

  14. The Chiropractic Care of Children in Europe: Results from a Practice-Based Research Network. WFC Educational Conference Platform Presentation, Perth, Australia. Alcantara, J, Ohm, J, & Kunz, D.

  15. The Chiropractic Care of Children in Europe: Results from a Practice-Based Research Network. The 4th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, Istanbul Turkey. Alcantara, J, Ohm, J, & Kunz, D.

  16. The Chiropractic Care of an Infant "Bottom Shuffler": A Case Report and Review of the Literature. ACC-RAC Poster Presentation. Alcantara, J, & Bernard, M.

  17. Wellness Care in a Chiropractic Practice-based Research Program. ACC-RAC Poster Presentation. Alcantara, J, Ohm, J, & Kunz, D.

  18. Evidence-Based Practice and Utilization Survey of Chiropractic Students. Poster Presentation. Alcantara, J, & Leach, M.