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ICPA Positional Statements

Informed Consent

The ICPA respects each individual's right to make informed, conscious health care choices. This is in accordance with the AMA's Code of Ethics on Informed Consent.

Evidence-Informed Practice

The ICPA recognizes Evidence-Informed Practice to be a thoughtful integration of the best available research, coupled with clinical state and circumstance, and patient preferences and actions. Read our Research Director's commentary on Evidence-Informed Practice

Webster Technique

The ICPA holds that the Webster Technique is a specific assessment and diversified adjustment for all weight-bearing individuals and is utilized to enhance neuro-biomechanics in that individual. The ICPA does not endorse the use of Webster’s as a treatment for fetal malposition or in-utero constraint. Read about the Webster Technique 

Responses to Specific Claims and Publications

The ICPA occasionally takes a position on specific published claims based on our review of the research literature and clinical expertise. Read our Research Responses


The ICPA does not engage in partnerships. The usage of our logo requires approval prior to usage. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we do accept donations and are appreciative of our supporters who freely give to ICPA.